Minor Hockey week in Canada runs
from Friday, January 10th, 2014 to Saturday, January 18th,
2014. More than 500,000 minor hockey players will play and compete for medals
across Canada.
In the City of Calgary
alone we have over 13,000 minor hockey players active in our game.
For many young aspiring
hockey players, this tournament will be the hi -lite of their season and for
some maybe the hi-lite of their minor hockey playing careers. Great memories
and good friendships often develop from playing our nations greatest sport. Having
fun is of paramount importance during our country’s annual minor hockey week of
So what is yucky hockey you
may ask? Yucky hockey is hockey that leaves a bad taste in your mouth. It is
events and happenings within the game that test our true love of our game. On
many occasions it may cause individuals – minor players and valuable volunteers
- to turn their back on our game. They feel they do not enjoy hockey any more
and wish to do something else with their lives. Hopefully, this bad taste
doesn’t linger too long. Maybe for a few days, weeks, or months but for some if
the experience is really yucky enough it can last a life time!
In our Hockey Zones
newsletter publications (http://www.tuckerhockey.com/newsletters.asp) we strive to reinforce hockey’s positives to all ages.
However, on occasion it’s necessary to look at the negatives – yes, yucky
hockey! –maybe it will positively influence and help change a few negative
attitudes and influences in our game to smarten up! Fortunately for the minor
hockey associations, 98 per cent of the performers are good people; it’s the
bad behavior / attitudes of the other 2 per cent that is painting a negative
environment in our great game.
Hockey Calgary is actively promoting this season
“RESPECT” in our game. You may have seen the new signs located in each city
arena. Hockey Calgary
is promoting awareness, and education to those involved in our great game – “that
everyone should be shown respect”. Otherwise, please stay away from our local
rinks! “Hockey rinks are supposed to be playgrounds for children. They are
supposed to play, have fun and enjoy the experience” says Former Hockey Calgary
President, Perry Cavanagh
Here are a few examples of
yucky hockey.
Often we see players hitting
from behind and delivering head shots. Such reckless actions can cause
concussions and even major life changing injuries. Player’s must be conscious of opponent’s safety as
well as their own on the ice.
Some minor hockey coaches are
concerned about winning at all costs. Coaches, who verbally abuse their
players, opposition coaches and officials, need to take a look in the mirror. A
few coaches have crossed the line with shocking sexual abuse of their players
over the years. Both Hockey Canada and Hockey Calgary encourage victims to
voice their concerns with “speak out programs” to ensure we have a safe
environment for kids at the local arenas.
In addition, there are parents
who are living the NHL dream vicariously through their children. Many parents
are so involved in their child’s hockey that they pressure their kids too much.
Hockey Calgary
is actively promoting – The Respect in Sports – “the parents program” to
educate parents about acceptable and unacceptable behavior.
Also, there are officials, who
spoil a good game via inconsistent and bad calls. As well as the occasional
administrator who carries around his or her own power and control agenda and forgets
that our game is first and foremost about the kids and their enjoyment from our
I am sure you can add a few
more yucky examples to the list!
For more information about
RESPECT in hockey initiatives, please contact your local minor hockey
association or the Hockey Calgary head office at 403 – 245 – 5773 or visit
their website www.hockeycalgary.com
Let’s work together to rid
the game of: “Yucky Hockey”. Shared
respect within the game of hockey requires good cooperation between all the
major stakeholders – players, parents, coaches, officials and facilities.
Shared respect will ensure that hockey will continue to be the greatest game on
earth. Everyone should be shown RESPECT!
Coach Rex's Note – Background
on the Article:
The idea to write a “Yucky Hockey” article came to Coach Rex at a
downtown drugstore. While waiting patiently in my chair for a prescription to
be filled, I noticed a poster on the wall – illustrating kids taking their
medicine. The poster indicated the taste can be yucky! The promotion talked
about food coloring flavors such as raspberry, grape etc to make the medicine
for kids – more palatable. So I thought how can I relate this to the game of
As hockey coaches, managers, officials, organizers, parents and fellow
players, I feel it is our responsibility within the game - to try and make the
game better each day, season and year. To avoid yucky experiences and
incidents, and to help instill the love of the game in our youth so they will
stay in the game, learn valuable life skills as well as hockey skills and
become good contributing members of society.
Respect is critical. It should be shown towards everyone involved in
the game. Remember the golden rule – do
onto others as you would want them to do on to you. Unfortunately, our society forgets
the wisdom of this rule. Plain and simple - if people don’t show respect they
should not be allowed in our local arenas!
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